Use Cases
Definitive Pro helps you solve complex problems by making data driven decisions that incorporate the judgment and experience of your team. With all your decision models, alternative data, and planning scenarios in one place, you will visualize your options and manage your decisions like never before.
Supercharge your portfolios and projects with Definitive Pro
Portfolio Use Cases
Managing a portfolio of business or technology investments and making decisions throughout the investment lifecycle
Free yourself from sticky notes, ineffective meetings, and spreadsheets! Definitive Pro is your go-to portal for managing your most demanding business decisions. Plan for different scenarios, “adjust the dials” when resources or circumstances change, , and be confident you are making the best decisions over your planning horizon.
The portfolio decisions we support include:
- Application portfolio
- Business development portfolio
- Business partner portfolio
- Capital request portfolio
- Climate action plan portfolio
- Cyber security risk portfolio
- Merger & acquisition portfolio
- Organizational cost savings portfolio
- Product portfolio
- Project portfolio
- Technology portfolio
- Strategic investment portfolio
- Supplier risk portfolio
Project Use Cases
Solving a wide range of complex business or technology problems by selecting the best alternative
Making a good decision with poorly structured processes and unclear roles is difficult, if not impossible. Making a bad decision can negatively impact an organization for years or be career altering for the decision leader. Definitive Pro combines the science and art of decision-making to help you through an accurate trade-off of benefit, cost, and risk to achieve the best value.
The project decisions we support include:
- Alternatives analysis selection
- Business opportunity selection
- Merger & acquisition selection
- Patent application selection
- Hiring decisions
- PMO design and placement selection
- Product and feature selection
- Requirements prioritization and selection
- Strategic partner selection
- Strategy development and selection
- Technology selection
- Vendor selection
Support when you need it
We know that making decisions can be difficult. Competing objectives, territorialism, and bias can lead to poor outcomes. Definitive Pro helps you cut through the noise to make the best decisions. Whether you need our consulting services or a subscription to our decision platform, we’re here to help.