Built for Decision-Making
Unlike other solutions that treat decision-making as a separate and external process, Definitive Pro® seamlessly integrates it into every aspect of project portfolio management. At the core of Definitive Pro® is a best-in-class decision support system, designed to measure and visualize team consensus on your most critical decisions. This powerful foundation ensures that all PPM functionality is built on a platform of strategic alignment and collaborative decision-making, setting Definitive Pro® apart from the competition.
De-risk your Important Decisions!
To make the best decision, one that gives you the greatest possibility of the most favorable outcome, you should use a proven methodology. Definitive Pro uses our six-step methodology that has proven successful over many years. It embodies the latest advancements of decision science, data analytics, and our patented techniques.
The Definitive 6-Step Decision-Making Methodology
The Definitive methodology starts with a goal. This may be a problem that needs solving, an opportunity to evaluate, or a risk that needs to be mitigated. In this early stage, it is essential to have domain knowledge related to the goal. This can be achieved via a stakeholder engagement process and using subject matter experts.
In “Criteria”, the team works collaboratively to establish criteria for how the alternatives will be evaluated. In this step, the team also determines their relative importance using the world’s leading technique, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP).
In “Alternatives”, the team identifies (or collects via our portal) all of the alternatives that have been submitted.
In “Proactive use of data”, the alternatives are evaluated. Where data exists, the alternatives are scored quantitatively using rating scales. Otherwise, the alternatives are evaluated qualitatively by the participants using their judgment. Each participant rates each alternative against each criterion, and the results are averaged and weighted resulting in a list of alternatives in priority order. This is referred to as prioritization.
In situations where the customer wants to proceed to priority-based budgeting by allocating resources based on identified priorities, this step continues using prescriptive analytics (the highest form of data analytics) to determine the combination of alternatives that deliver the most benefit, while also meeting all identified constraints and dependencies. This is referred to as optimization.
In “Judgment and trade-offs” the team uses the output of prioritization to make cost-benefit-risk trade-offs to select budget requests or uses the output from the optimizer. It is at this point that the superior alternatives emerge, enabling the team to make the best decision.
In “Commitment to action”, the most important and final step in the methodology, the decision participants either commit to implementing the decision or communicate the decision to those who will implement it.