Definitive pursues a future in which its PPM solutions are broadly recognized as best-in-class.

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State of the Industry: Trends suggest a growing demand for more integrated, decision-centric PPM solutions.

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The National Guard Bureau Counterdrug Division selects Definitive to assist with prioritizing threats.

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Definitive Pro’s T-Shirt Size Estimating feature enables resource managers to efficiently create early-stage project cost estimates.

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Definitive provides a broad range of consulting services to facilitate decision-making, solve complex problems, and manage portfolios and projects.

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Prioritize your projects and optimize spend. Use our portal to manage demand and develop better plans, forecasts, and budgets.

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Microsoft Teams Integration

Definitive Choice® is now seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Teams, making it easier than ever to manage and collaborate on important decisions within your project team. By adding Definitive Choice® to your team, you can streamline decision-making processes and keep all critical decisions organized and accessible in one place.

Business and technology teams frequently make important decisions.

As a team leader, you can quickly set up a decision by identifying the decision criteria and the list of feasible alternatives in just minutes and then invite your team members to help determine the relative importance of the decision criteria and to evaluate the alternatives against the criteria.

With Definitive Choice added to your team, you can promote collaboration and easily get a collective view of your teams thinking. After the decision has been made, the decision report will serve to show team members and external stakeholders how the team made the decision and also memorialize it for future reference.