Definitive pursues a future in which its PPM solutions are broadly recognized as best-in-class.

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State of the Industry: Trends suggest a growing demand for more integrated, decision-centric PPM solutions.

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The National Guard Bureau Counterdrug Division selects Definitive to assist with prioritizing threats.

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Definitive Pro’s T-Shirt Size Estimating feature enables resource managers to efficiently create early-stage project cost estimates.

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Definitive provides a broad range of consulting services to facilitate decision-making, solve complex problems, and manage portfolios and projects.

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Prioritize your projects and optimize spend. Use our portal to manage demand and develop better plans, forecasts, and budgets.

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Testosterone Fuels Boneheaded Decision-Making In Men, Study Finds

Testosterone-driven men are often portrayed in movies and books as impulsive brutes who don’t waste time talking tense situations through and are more likely to stick with their gut. Now, science explains why: A new study finds that testosterone actually leads men to feel significantly more confident in a rash decision, while spending less time thinking their responses through.

Gap CIO Stresses Fast Decision-Making During Technology Transformation

Gap CIO Paul Chapman last week took to the stage at the Forbes CIO Summit to talk about how he has revamped the retailer’s IT organization in recent years, integrating corporate and e-commerce IT resources, encouraging faster decision-making about pursuing new IT projects and implementing a new model for IT responsibility.

Jeff Bezos Outlines His Methods for “High-Velocity Decision-Making”

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos wants his $430 billion publicly traded company to behave with the urgency of the startup it once was. To make sure he acts quickly, he follows a set of guidelines for “high-velocity decision-making” he laid out in his annual letter to shareholders. He urges his employees to follow them, and they contain sound principles for any competitive organization:
Don’t wait for all the information before acting.