Definitive pursues a future in which its PPM solutions are broadly recognized as best-in-class.

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State of the Industry: Trends suggest a growing demand for more integrated, decision-centric PPM solutions.

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The National Guard Bureau Counterdrug Division selects Definitive to assist with prioritizing threats.

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Definitive Pro’s T-Shirt Size Estimating feature enables resource managers to efficiently create early-stage project cost estimates.

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Definitive provides a broad range of consulting services to facilitate decision-making, solve complex problems, and manage portfolios and projects.

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Prioritize your projects and optimize spend. Use our portal to manage demand and develop better plans, forecasts, and budgets.

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These Dogs Vote by Sneezing

For the dogs, sneezing “is a form of communication,” says study co-author Reena Walker, who performed the research as a student at Brown University and a research technician at the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust. “The sneeze acts as some kind of signal that shapes decision-making.”

Data-Driven Decision Making: Beware Of The HIPPO Effect!

Beware of the HiPPO in the room. When a HiPPO (highest paid person’s opinion) is in play, your organization is most likely not relying on data to inform decision-making. In fact, I believe the HiPPO effect is one of the biggest barriers to more evidence-based and data-driven decision-making. With the quantity and quality of data available today, it is just poor business for organizations to ignore data in favor of making decisions solely based on what the HiPPO wants done.

Good Strategy Execution Requires Balancing 4 Tensions

Getting strategy done well often calls for trade-offs between delivering short-term results and implementing foundational changes that require time. Yet companies that can achieve a balance between opposing forces are far more likely to realize successful strategies that endure.