Definitive pursues a future in which its PPM solutions are broadly recognized as best-in-class.

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State of the Industry: Trends suggest a growing demand for more integrated, decision-centric PPM solutions.

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The National Guard Bureau Counterdrug Division selects Definitive to assist with prioritizing threats.

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Definitive Pro’s T-Shirt Size Estimating feature enables resource managers to efficiently create early-stage project cost estimates.

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Definitive provides a broad range of consulting services to facilitate decision-making, solve complex problems, and manage portfolios and projects.

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Prioritize your projects and optimize spend. Use our portal to manage demand and develop better plans, forecasts, and budgets.

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Diamonds In The Rough: A Perspective on Making High Impact College Hires

Over my almost 30 years in the banking and decision sciences business, I have had the privilege of hiring, managing, leading, and being led by many fabulous people. My personal style and approach to people management and leadership have evolved over the years. My evolution has much less to do with the changing hiring environment or even the differences between generations, and more to do with my own personal journey and leadership experiences.

Wayne Gretzky and Creative-Divergent Thinking

When asked about his extraordinary hockey success, Wayne Gretzky said: “I skate to where the puck is going, not to where the puck has been.” The truth is, Mr. Gretzky missed the majority of the shots he took. His lifetime NHL stats are 17.6% shots made to shots taken. (894 / 5088) The message is, being “The Great One” is something much more than a high shooting percentage. He intuitively anticipated where the puck was going, all the while, quickly adapting as new information updated his understanding… all in a split second!

Definitive Announces the Release of the Definitive Choice App

Definitive proudly announces the release of Definitive Choice™, a new app available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store. Get it now while it’s FREE. Definitive Choice™ enables individuals and small teams to make great decisions using the latest advancements in decision science and the leading theory in multi-criteria decision-making. After you make a decision, a comprehensive decision report is available for download.

To Open or Not: Case Study in Strategic Decision-Making

My campus is not alone in having a battle about the decision to bring back students to campus, although the decision has already been made and students are back. Arguments for the reopening stress the need to move the students forward in their academic journeys, unsatisfactory results with remote instruction in the spring and financial implications of lost enrollments, decreased tuitions, and idle facilities.

React LLC Reveals Pandemic-Proof™ Football Schedule and Partnership with Definitive Business Solutions, Inc.

Less than three weeks after floating the concept of a Pandemic-proof™ schedule for sports leagues, React LLC (“React”), creators of the Super Squares® live mobile game show, today released a “ready for prime time” schedule for the 2020 NFL season. React partnered with Reston, Virginia’s Definitive Business Solutions, Inc. (“Definitive”) to optimize the framework first introduced on July 21st.